Eye Exam
Our group of knowledgable doctors will perform a thorough eye exam which includes visual testing, binocular assessment and eye health.
Vision testing is a detailed examination of your vision with and without your glasses/contact lenses. You will be shown many different types of lenses to determine your optimal prescription. Afterwards, we will discuss different options to help you see clearly and comfortably.
Clear and comfortable vision goes beyond 20/20. Our experts will perform a number of tests to assess the binocular function of the eyes. It is essential for both eyes to work together in order to obtain the best vision possible.
A major component of a complete eye health evaluation includes a technique called ophthalmoscopy. This advanced technique allows the doctor to evaluate the internal structures of the eye such as the macula, optic nerve, retinal blood vessels and the general health of the retina. This is where cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration as well as many systemic conditions such as high blood pressure and diabetes are present.
Tonometry is another important component of the eye exam. This test measures the pressure inside of your eyes. The IOP(intra-ocular pressure) is utilized as a screening test for glaucoma.
Regular eye checkups are the best way preserve your vision and eye health. As the body ages, so do the eyes. Unfortunately, there are many eye conditions which have very little if any symptoms. Don’t wait until your glasses are broken or your last pair of contact lenses before you book your eye exam!
Suggested Eye Care Schedule by the Canadian Association of Optometrists
Many factors will influence the frequency of your eye examination, and the optometrist will weigh these factors in deciding when you should be seen again. However, general guidelines have been established which can assist you in determining the need for follow-up examination.
Patients in each age group may be classified as being at low risk or high risk for ocular or vision problems. The minimum recommended frequency of examination for those at low risk is as follows:
- Infants and toddlers (birth to 24 months) – By age 6 months
- Preschool (2 to 5 years) – At age 3, and prior to entering elementary school
- School age (6 to 19 years) – Annually
- Adult (20 to 64 years) – Every one to two years
- Older adult (65 years and older) – Annually
The frequency of examination for those at high risk will be determined by the examining optometrist on the basis of one’s health and visual status at the preliminary examination. Some of the factors which may indicate high risk are as follows:
- Infants and toddlers and preschool: Premature birth; low birth weight; mother’s health during pregnancy; family medical history; strabismus; or congenital eye disorders.
- School age: children experiencing difficulty at school; children exhibiting reading and/or learning disabilities.
- Adult: diabetes; hypertension; family history of glaucoma; those whose work is visually demanding or who face eye hazards.
- Older adult: diabetes; hypertension; family history of glaucoma; those taking systemic medication with ocular side effects.