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Things you’ll Miss without Regular Eye Exams

Thursday, March 24, 2016 @ 03:03 PM
Author: Amit Mathur


When was the last time you had an eye exam? Depending on your age, you may need eye exams on a different schedule. Children to late adolescents will want to schedule an appointment at least once every year. Growing eyes can undergo rapid changes that could mean serious new needs for your eyes.

If you’re a younger to middle-aged adult, you probably don’t expect your vision to change very much. Many believe that an exam every two years is okay for someone in this age group, but on that schedule, it can be very easy to simply let eye exams fall by the wayside.

Not updating your prescription regularly can present very real dangers. Those dangers include missing out on important things such as…

Changing Prescription

If you don’t have an eye appointment often enough, you may not notice when your prescription changes. The differences may happen so gradually that you don’t even notice that you are starting to strain to see things that you once saw easily. By the time your prescription is completely outdated, you may be the last person to know.

If you see an eye doctor regularly, you’ll be able to keep your prescription as up-to-date as possible. Your glasses will always be the healthiest and most relaxing for your vision. All it takes is a short appointment to establish a new prescription, so stop by to see our eye doctors today.

New Features for Glasses and Contacts

Your prescription isn’t the only thing that may be out of date if you haven’t been to see the eye doctor in many years. The technology of glasses and contacts has changed a lot in even just the past few years. If you’re stuck wearing an older pair, you may be completely unaware of all the ways that your life could be better.

New technology for glasses includes such interesting options as transition sunglass lenses, anti-fog, anti-shatter & anti-glare selections. Contacts these days are being built lighter, thinner and safer than ever before. We can introduce you to some of our newest technology if you come in for a visit.

Serious Medical Issues

Infrequent eye exams can mean serious health issues go undetected. While many eye disorders have symptoms that can be easily identified, that is not true for all of them. Some disorders don’t produce any symptoms at all, and you wouldn’t recognize them if you weren’t a trained eye doctor performing a close exam.

Not all eye problems are related to diseases. Sometimes, the eye will simply age incorrectly as time goes on. For many reasons, it’s important to have an eye doctor take a close look at your vision every year or so. You don’t want to take any risks when it comes to your ability to see correctly

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