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5 Ways to Make a Kid Feel Better about Wearing Glasses

Monday, January 25, 2016 @ 05:01 PM
Author: Amit Mathur


Glasses can be a tough transition for any kid. If your child is not taking it well, help them out with these five tips:

1.     Give them a voice in choosing the frame

This is a vital first step. If you want your children to be comfortable with their glasses, you need to make sure that they have glasses that reinforce their identity instead of violating it. This should not be a problem if you choose an eye doctor with a great selection. There are many manufacturers who make frames designed to appeal to children.

2.     Guide them through new achievements

If your child has recently found themselves wearing glasses, there’s likely a reason why. You may have taken them to the eye doctor because you noticed that they had trouble paying attention in class or engaging in skill-based games with other children.

Now that you’ve corrected the problem, it’s important to help your child understand the value of their newfound sight. Encourage them to approach activities that used to be difficult with “fresh eyes”. They may find that they are more coordinated or quick to learn than they imagined they were.

When your child understands that glasses improve abilities, they’ll find it much easier to wear them with pride.

3.     Help them find bespectacled role models

Glasses can make children feel upset because they don’t associate glasses with the people they want to model themselves after. Fortunately, there are more real and fictional heroes who aren’t afraid of frames than there have ever been before. Depending on the age of your child, you may want to remind them that popular figures like Harry Potter and Clark Kent wear glasses.

Your children may have different tastes, but there’s no shortage of famous athletes, entertainers or great thinkers who have been seen sporting specs.

4.     Be firm about the transition

This step can be harder than the others, but it’s still very important. If you want your child to have a healthy transition, you need to make sure that they aren’t failing to adjust altogether. It’s important for your child’s health that glasses be worn often, and a spotty transition where the child rarely wears the glasses is just going to prolong any frustration or discomfort.

5.     Ask their teacher for help

Most children aren’t scared of being seen with glasses at home. It’s when they are surrounded by other children that they feel insecure. If you know that your child is having a problem transitioning to glasses, you’ll want to make sure that the teacher is aware.

Giving your child’s instructor a warning ahead of time will allow him or her to deal with it proactively. They can ease the transition by complimenting your child on the change, incorporating their new abilities and cutting teasing off at the source.

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