The Importance of Regular Eye Exams
Nobody really likes eye exams. There are plenty of uncomfortable moments, long tests, and poking and prodding. Just like people avoid dentist’s appointments like the plague, they too probably try to put off getting their eyes checked as much as possible. However, just like teeth, eyes need regular examinations.
Unless you’ve just visited very recently, you need to make regular eye exams a part of you and your family’s routine. As you get older, the need for more regular eye exams only increases. Even if you find that your eyes are healthy and you don’t need glasses, or if you have glasses but your prescription hasn’t changed, you shouldn’t just assume that your eye health has stayed the same over the years.
One of the most important reasons why regular eye exams are so necessary is the ability for your eye doctor to catch the beginnings or potential for an eye disease or disorder. Many eye disorders can decrease vision as time goes on, so it’s important to get your vision inspected right away in order to preserve your sight.
Some of these conditions may include cataracts, in which you see clouds or other puffs in your vision that distract you from seeing. A detached retina typically includes symptoms like spots or floaters as well as bright and sudden flashes of light. This is a very serious issue that cannot be ignored if you want to spare your vision. Even if you regularly experience spots or floaters, you may want to get these checked out. A macular hole typically afflicts those that are older. Glaucoma attacks your eye’s optic nerve, a central component to vision. Macular degeneration can either detract from your vision quickly or more slowly over time.
The above eye disorders and diseases are all serious conditions that necessitate immediate care. Some of them, like a macular holes or detached retina, are considered emergency situations. While all of the above conditions are scary to think about, a lot of them can begin subtly. By getting regular eye exams, you can catch some of them early and nip the problem in the bud.
If you have children, it’s especially important that you stay on-the-ball in regards to regular eye examinations. Children’s vision needs can change rather frequently, enough so that one year they may not need glasses but they will the next year. Vision problems can lead to an unhappy child, and one that has issues with concentrating on tasks like reading. As the parent, it’s your job to realize that a vision issue may be at play and get them to an eye doctor.
Once you turn 40 years or older, you also need to begin getting your eyes checked much more regularly. Many eye disorders and diseases tend to afflict those that are older, between 40 and 60 years or more. Your glasses prescription may change as you get older as well.
By visiting the eye doctor as a family, you save time over booking separate appointments. You can also possibly get a discount at some eye doctors’ offices. During your appointment, the eye doctor will check for a number of potential conditions and diseases. They’ll test for astigmatism, farsightedness, and nearsightedness, also known as refractive errors. You’ll receive a test to check if your eyes are properly aligned or if you have binocular vision, a misalignment that causes issues when you try to concentrate or read.
You’ll also get tests for amblyopia, when your two eyes act differently rather than in accordance with one another, as well as strabismus, or a case of cross-eyes. Lastly, your eye doctor will also screen you for the eye diseases and disorders mentioned above.
It’s important to understand the difference between an exam from an eye doctor and a vision screening. Vision screenings do indeed test for the wellness of your vision, but they are considered to be much more limited compared to full examinations. An eye doctor does not have to perform these tests either, and they can be administered by a pediatrician for your child or even at the local driving center during driver’s license renewal.
The best that these tests can do is prove that you need to book an appointment with your eye doctor for further testing and an official diagnosis. These tests are helpful to a point but should not be considered an actual eye exam. Therefore, if you’ve had a vision screening recently but not an eye examination, you can and should book that eye exam. Vision screenings do not replace regular eye exams.
The reasons are endless why regular eye exams for your entire family can lead to better health. If you haven’t already, book an appointment at your local eye doctors’ office today.