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Increasing Vitamin D Intake Can Prevent Vision Loss

Thursday, December 12, 2013 @ 07:12 AM
Author: Amit Mathur


Vitamin D plays a key role in overall health, going beyond just bone health and cell growth, as it is normally associated with. In fact, vitamin D deficiency can cause a host of health issues. Getting more vitamin D can prevent chronic diseases, including irreparable vision loss.

There’s no cure for AMD. It’s vital to reduce the risk factors. Vitamin D deficiency may not often be considered as a risk factor for vision loss, but it certainly can contribute to the problem.

Higher doses of vitamin D can reduce vision loss by as much as 60% in elderly women, according to research by the National Institute of Health and the Research to Prevent Blindness.

Vitamin D can:

  • Eliminate toxins from the eyes
  • Provide better vision
  • Create fewer retinal infections
  • Prevent age-related macular disease (AMD)
  • Enhance lens protection
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Improve visual accuracy

There are plenty of sources of vitamin D. The easiest and most readily available option is simple sunlight. Taking a walk or sitting out in direct sunlight just a few minutes a day can improve vision and protect from diseases. Use caution and don’t look directly at the sun, however.

Food sources are another option. Fish, eggs and dairy products are just a few examples of foods high in vitamin D. Also look for foods that are fortified with vitamin D, like cereal.

Don’t overlook supplementation. It may be tough to get enough vitamin D through diet alone, especially in a deficient state.

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