Simple Tips To Protect Your Eyes
The health of your eyes is as important as anything else in your body. Many people make an effort to care for their teeth and bodies, but sometimes forget about eye health. Studies show that when the health of your eyes starts to go downhill, it can happen quickly. This means your eye doctor should keep careful watch on your eyes on a regular basis.
- Visit the optometrist regularly.
- Monitor eye sight changes.
- Become aware if you’re at risk for poor eye health.
The best way to keep tabs on your eyes is to let a professional do it. For some, this means going to the optometrist every year. Those with good vision can usually get away with visiting the optometrist every two to four years, provided there are no noticeable changes in your vision during this time.
Be your own health advocate and be aware of any eye sight changes when you have not visited the optometrist. The reason annual check-ups are suggested is so a profession can track the health of your eyes on a regular basis.
Be aware if you’re at risk for poor eye health. This includes people over 65, African-Americans and people who’ve had a stroke or diabetes. There are many things you can do to help your eye sight, but it all starts with visiting an optometrist who can create the best plan of action for your eyes. Preventative measures are essential for the health of your eyes.